


Takashi has been interested in UFOs and he reads a book about UFOs. Yumi finds that a UFO flies out of the window. She is surprised by the strange incident and talks to him about it, but because he is absorbed in reading the book, he does't notice it.(49語)

Takashi is fascinated by UFOs, so he reads the book titled "All About UFOs". Yumi notices a UFO outside of the room and tell him it,
but he ignores her. Unfortunately, he misses the chance that he really sees a UFO with his own eyes, which he won't get again.(50語)

   It is not possible to understand other people's pain.

I agree with the idea. First, we each have the bodies that are different from those of others, so we don't fully understand the pains physically. Second, we have experienced a variety of things, so we also can't entirely share the difficulties that other people feel in their hearts. For these reasons, I am for the opinion.(57語)